The MTC group excited to get out to there missions and get started with the Lord's work! |
Hello everyone! I don't have too much time to write today, as they are only letting us write for a few minutes. We get transfered on P-day so we won't have any time to write . . . at least I don't think we do. We may, I guess. But I did read both of the emails you sent, mom! :D I got both of the boxes this week! Thank you so much, I really appreciated it!
I can't wait to get the letters waiting for me at the mission home! I hope they get there in time.
My week has been fantastic and I get to go into the field tomorrow!! :D I am so excited and so READY! I am a little bit nervous, but all is well. I know I can do it.
Oh, yeah! I went prostelyting this week and that was quite the experience! I got yelled at twice and no one took any of my BoM's. . . but that was okay. I only cried for a second. Haha! I'll get use to it. But after looking back on it, Heavenly Father knows how to teach me. He knew that I needed to have a slightly rough first go. This expericence is going to be so awesome for me. It already has been awesome.
Everyone got to have a meeting with President Walker and that was cool. He said that he never would have imagined that I was shy before . . . haha. He said he thought I was just one of those naturally confident types. Which I guess I am, really. Well, actually, I know I am. Being at the MTC has taught me so much and even if I am a little sad to be leaving, I know that I am off to bigger and better things!
Well, I love everyone and I'll write next P-day! (which I have no idea when that'll be! hahaha)
Sister Stout
And so the work begins.... |
All the Sisters |
Ali with her MTC companion, Sister Belliston |
America being represented at the MTC |
The Moroni District
Ali in front of the Preston Temple |
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