Another week has come and gone. . . haha. This week was interesting . . . they took our car away. :( So we are now on foot and buses. It's very different. My feet actually ache today. But it's alright.
We put up a pretty good fight to keep the car though and our zone leader still feels bad that we don't have one. But now we only have one car for our entire zone. . . oh well.
But anyway, funny story about when they took the car away. It was Wednesday and we knew we were giving it to another set of sisters that evening so we were planning to go out to see our investigators who live forever away, but we had already planned to get the MOT on the car done, before we were told we were giving the car away. So we took it in, thinking it would only take an hour or so. BUT WE FAILED! Ugh, it was horrible, so they had to keep the car the whole day and fix it. We got the car back an hour before they were taking it so we ZOOMED (at a reasonable pace, of course) out there, saw our investigators and ZOOMED back.
Then we gave the car away. We took out all of our fun EFY cd's and stuff and we left MoTab in and as we were driving to the chapel, it felt like a funeral. So, it was gone after that. We had another appointment, so the zone leaders drove us to it and that was good. But after the appointment we had to walk back. It took us like 45 minutes AND it started to pour and poor Sister Smith only had a cardigan on. But we made it more fun by singing and rocking out. Haha.
Once we finally got back to the flat, we were SOPPING wet and COOOOLLLLLD. But then we couldn't find the keys to the flat. Neither of us had them, so we thought we had left them in the cup holder of the car that was now HOURS away. But luckily they were only at the chapel and the Branch President drove them over to us. But yes, we had a fun night. I had a picture that I was going to put along with this story, but I'm gonna have to put it up next week, because I forgot my camera at the flat. . . oops. Sorry. :)
This is the first day of my second transfer! It is rather remarkable! I almost can't believe it. . .
But honestly, nothing much more has happened. Just trying to adjust to not having a car. It will come with time though. I am sore from all the walking. :{)
All right, this is the end of this weeks email. . . I LOVE YOU ALL! :D
Sista Stouta (don't ask, because I don't know. . .)
Ali with her distract. |
Baptism of Jon Smith |
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